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A. Choose the correct relative pronoun.

  1. The girl that/which is talking to Sam is from London.

  2. The party who/which they held last Saturday was a lot of fun.

  3. The man which/who had dinner with Ann is her uncle.

  4. Kate, whose/who dress I'm wearing, is my best friend.

  5. Jane and Sandy, who/whose flat we stayed in while on holiday, are from New York.


B. Fill in the gaps with who, whose or which.

  1. A camel is an animal                    can go without food for weeks.

  2. Jane,                   mother is Spanish, is my best friend.

  3. Alan,                   is my neighbor, is a professional footballer.

  4. A lion is an animal                       lives in Africa.

  5. Sam shouted at a man                           car was blocking Sam's driveway.

C. Make sentences using relative pronouns and one vocabulary word learned per sentence.

  1.                                                                                                              .

  2.                                                                                                              .

  3.                                                                                                              .

  4.                                                                                                              .

  5.                                                                                                              .

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